UBCIC News - volume 2, number 4 (July 1979)
- Title
- UBCIC News - volume 2, number 4 (July 1979)
- Is Part Of
- 1.06-01.03 Nesika: UBCIC News
- 1.06.-01 Newsletters and bulletins sub-series
- Date
- July 1979
- volume
- 2
- issue
- 4
- Language
- english
- Identifier
- 1.06-01.03-03.06
- pages
- 48
- Table Of Contents
Editorial 2
Deadly Gas Leak Threatens Band 4
President's Message 5
Freeze on Health Cutbacks Continues 7
The Judge Didn't Show 8
Lillooets Right to Fish Festival 9
Sports Fishermen Ignore Closure 9
No Fish for the Innocent:
Fisheries Break Fisheries Act 10
Reserve Right to Fish Confirmed in new Brunswick 11
Fishing By-laws Cowichan Band's Next Move 12
Up-Date 13
Pickup Won't Pack Up: Nimpkish
Continue Protest 14
Tourist Hordes Threaten Indian Food 16
I Think . . . Aboriginal Rights and Sovereignty 17
Chiefs Enlighten British Parliament 18
Clark Advises Queen to Ignore Chiefs 19
Community Hearing on Pulp Mill 20
Jerry Jack Protests at Company
Head Office in Denmark 21
Education 22
Matilda Jim: Mother of Many Children23
Okanagan Pow-Wow 24
Cape Mudge 25
Springer: A Short Story 26
The New Local Services Agreement 27
Training and Planning at Hope Band 28
Help Wanted 30
Communications 31
Our Way 32
Two Toes and the Rug Rat: A Short Story34
Secretariat Meets 36
Canada Works Down the Tube 37
At Band Request:
How to Use your Vancouver Office 38
Protecting Indian Designs 39
Joint Budget Review a Sham 39
Band Farm is Making It 40
Energy Crisis Excuse for Quick Decisions 42
For How Long is Hat Creek on the Back Burner 43
Resource Centre 44
Book Review 45
Locked Colours: A Poem 46
Williams Head Native Brotherhood Club 47 - Contributor
- Beth Cuthand
- Pauline Douglas
- Violet Birdstone
- Saul Terry
- Ida John
- Sonny Mchalsie
- Jacob Kruger
- Katherine Pascal
- Gordy Williams
- Julie Newman
- Gene Joseph
- Rosalee Tizya
- Bess Brown
- Carmel Nanimahoo
- Ethel Gardner
- Maxine Pape
- Steven Basil
- Valerie Morgan
- Barba Kuhn
- John Warren
- Dinah Schooner
- Darrell Ned
- Nimpkish Band Council
- Type
- periodical
- Media
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Part of UBCIC News - volume 2, number 4 (July 1979)