Terms of Use for Tags, Contributions and Comments
Throughout the digital collections and exhibits that the UBCIC Library and Archives makes available, patrons can engage with the materials and resources in a variety of ways, including creating new tags, applying existing tags, transcribing text, commenting on exhibits, as well providing corrections, additions or expansions to the information the Library and Archives has provided about an item such as a newsletter, photograph or meeting recording.
Anything that a patron chooses to provide to the sites is licensed, by default under CC-BY-SA, and can be revoked in the future. Any tags, contributions, transcriptions or comments should be in the spirit of UBCIC's mandate and the Library and Archives ethical research policy.
Are you connected to the UBCIC, its history, or current membership, in some way?
If so and If you'd like to provide new images, textual materials, or recordings to these sites, please reach out directly! If you'd like support in creating your own digital collection site or digitization projects, please reach out as well.
Tags are intended for patrons to support other patrons and community members in learning about the resources on the UBCIC Library and Archives sites. Tags can be used show relationships, themes, subjects, context, and other details that a user may know about an from their life, community or research.
By suggesting a tag, you are agreeing to make it freely availabe under under the licence CC BY-SA. Tag authors are publicly anonymous by default. UBCIC Library and Archives staff reserve the right to remove or modify tags as needed.Upon submission of a new tag (rather than applying an existing tag), a staff member will need to manually accept it.
Some sites and items may have comments, intended to foster dialogue, open ended sharing and response.
Comments are licensed to the UBCIC L&A for use under CC-BY-SA, can be removed by the patron themselves (with an account) or staff can facillitate removal. Comments are publicly attributed to the name provided by the patron. UBCIC staff must approve comments before they appear, as a spam and harm prevention tool.
In some parts of the digital exhibits, patrons can complete, extend, modify, or edit information about records using the 'contribute' function. The contribute function is intended to support the collection and community by allowing patrons to credit people, places and communities who may be part of an archival resource but who were not known by staff. The contribute options is also intended to recognize the knowledge that all visitors to the sites bring to the materials.
Contributions are licensed under CC-BY-SA and patrons can choose whether they would like to be publicly credited.
In the future, the Library and Archives may invite patrons, community members, to edit or add to record transcription text to facilliate access and searching of records.