The Union of BC Indian Chiefs produced and continues to produce posters to be distributed as a means of disseminating information about events or issues. Most of the posters were created to raise awareness of Aboriginal issues such as Indian government, self-determination, and title and rights. Unlike the large format bulletins published serially by the UBCIC, the posters were issued as individual items not necessarily related to each other in format or content. Currently, the posters are for sale to help generate revenue for the UBCIC Resource Centre.
Several of the posters contain original artwork. One of the posters (Making Indians ordinary Canadians, 1991) contains original artwork done by Saul Terry who was the president of the UBCIC from 1983 to 1998. Other identified artists include B. Dick (You either are . . . or you ain’t), Willis Peters (“In tribute to our founders” - celebrating 25 years of Indian leadership [25th Annual General Assembly], 1993) and Wilson ([Untitled – Artist: Wilson], 1985).
The sub-series is part of the Communications Department series. The relationship of the sub-series to the rest of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs fonds is shown below:
Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs fonds
Communications department series
Posters sub-series
The sub-series has been arranged chronologically by decade into four files.
funded by
These posters were digitized with the generous support of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Copies of most of the posters are available for purchase from the UBCIC Resource Centre.