Additional Resources

We have compiled a selection of additional resources on cut-off lands and the McKenna McBride Commission.  The complete list of resources is available as a pdf version.  The glossary is a list of terms used throughout this website.


Harris, Cole and Eric Leinberger.  Making Native Space : Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press.  2002.

McCullum, Hugh and Karmel McCullum.   This land is not for sale : Canada's Original People and their Land : A Saga of Neglect, Exploitation, and Conflict.  Toronto: Anglican Book Centre. 1975.

Ware, Reuben. Our Homes are Bleeding: A Short History of Indian Reserves.  Victoria: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs. 1975.

Young, Terry Ann.  Researching the history of Aboriginal peoples in British Columbia. Victoria: [publisher unknown]. 1992.

Documents specific to cut-off lands

Acosta, Kathleen. "Eight B.C. Indian Bands Sue Federal Government for Return of Lands."  Indian World. Vol.12, No.1 Vancouver: Union of British Columbia. 1980.  p.1.

Canada Gazette Part III.  Statutes of Canada, 1983-84 Chapter Two.  Volume 7, No.1. Ottawa: Queens Printer for Canada. 1984.
["An Act to provide for the settlement of claims by Indian bands in British Columbia relating to certain lands cut off from their reserves"] (Canada Gazette, 1984)

Canada. Privy Council Office.  Royal Commission of Indian Affairs for B.C. : reductions and cut-offs of reserves by agency.  [place of publication unknown] : [publisher unknown]. 1916.

McFarland, Dana.  Indian Reserve Cut-Offs in British Columbia, 1912-1924: An Examination of Federal-Provincial Negotiations and Consultation with Indians.  UBC Masters Thesis (MA History), Vancouver: [UBC Press?].  1990.  110p

Ware, Reuben. The Lands We Lost: An History of the Cut-Off Lands and Land Loses From Indian Reserves in British Columbia.  Vancouver: Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs. 1974.

Government documents excluding RG-10 files

Canada. McKenna-McBride Agreement. Victoria: Acme. 1912.
[Provided for the establishment of a Royal Commission on Indian Affairs and set out the terms of reference on of the Commission].

Canada.  PC 1398 [Privy Council]. 24th May, 1912. Ottawa: [King's Printer?]. [1912?].
[Appointed Dr. J.A.J. McKenna, Special Commission to investigate Indian Land Question and represent Canada in negotiations with British Columbia - RG-2, Series 1, Volume 1212]

Canada. Privy Council Office.  Schedule of Indian reserves in the province of British Columbia [with amendments thereto made by representatives of the two Governments, viz: W.E. Ditchburn, representing the Dominion Government, and Major J.W. Clark representing the Province in respect of Indian reserves proposed in the Report of the Royal Commission of Indian Affairs, June 30, 1916] : Canada Privy Council Order 1265, July 19, 1924.  [Ottawa : Committee of the Privy Council?]. 1924.

Canada. Privy Council Office.  Schedule of Indian reserves in the province of British Columbia [with amendments thereto made by representatives of the two Governments, viz: W.E. Ditchburn, representing the Dominion Government, and Major J.W. Clark representing the Province in respect of Indian reserves proposed in the Report of the Royal Commission of Indian Affairs, June 30, 1916] : Canada Privy Council Order 1265, July 19, 1924.  [Ottawa : Committee of the Privy Council?]. 1924.

Conference of the Friends of the Indians of British Columbia.  The British Columbia Indian land question : policy of the Social Service Council of Canada : an historical sketch and an answer to criticisms. : The Conference of the Friends of the Indians of British Columbia. [place of publication unknown]: Filmed from a photocopy of the original publication held by the British Columbia Archives and Records Service, Victoria. Ottawa : Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions, 1997. [publisher unknown]. Canada : Conference of the Indians of British Columbia   1916.