Claims Based on Native Title - UBCIC Paper Presented to Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Canada (July 6, 1972)
- Title
- Claims Based on Native Title - UBCIC Paper Presented to Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Canada (July 6, 1972)
- scope and content
- Item is a recording of the presentation of the UBCIC 'Land Claims Paper at a confernece in Ottawa, Ontario. Speakers include Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs
- Current UBCIC Identifier
- A00194
- prior identifiers
- A404
- Date
- 1972-07-06
- Contributor
- Pierre Trudeau
- Jean Chretien
- Contents by Timestamp
2 - 4 minutes – opening prayer by George Cloutisi
4 – 7 minutes –speech by Heber Maslin? on special appreciation for meeting with the government and rational for land claims
7 – 10 minutes - Introduction to presentation by Sam Mitchell representing the elders
Katherine Tenise, representing the youth and Victor Gurth representing the children
10 - 30 minutes - Speech by Philip Paul, outline and summary of written
11 – 12 brief outline of first part of written presentation
12 – 14 regarding UBCIC constitution
14 – 15 regarding events leading up to formulation of land claims position paper
16 – 17, 21 regarding the reaction of Aboriginals to the 1969 White Paper and
formulation of the Brown Paper
17 – 20, 22-29 on case for land claims and adequate compensation
24-29 on proposal for settlement of land claims and compensation
0-2 minutes - Trudeau’s reasons for not wanting to make an immediate in-depth response to UBCIC presentation
2 - 11 minutes – Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Chrétien’s response to the presentation
5,7 minutes - Regarding the redress of grievances through Commissioner Barber
5 minutes – Regarding Cut-Off lands
6 minutes – Response to UBCIC presentation regarding the establishment of a ‘court’ to settle land claims
8-9 minutes – on reason for not commenting further on the UBCIC presentation
10 minutes – regarding the legal implications of pre-confederation BC history with regards to land claims
11-12 minutes – Philip Paul emphasizes difference between UBCIC position and Calder position and on desire to communicate directly with government
12- 15 minutes – Pierre Trudeau questions Philip Paul on relationship between Canada and First Nations in the future and if this will be addressed in the Brown Paper
[Between 15 and18 minutes there are problems with the audio] - Original Format
- Quarter inch open reel tape
- Digital Formats
- wav
- Extent
- 45 minutes
- Relation
- There is a print document from this meeting in the library collection, Brian Deer Mbx 136. Bar code 008233