Access Instructions
It is recommended to begin your research with the Collection Indexes since they are full-text searchable. In addition, each binder/volume has its own index which is also full text searchable.
B.C. Provincial Collection
This collection consists of 13 binders which contain minutes of decision, correspondence, memorandums, and maps. The contents of these binders are indexed in the B.C. Provincial Collection Index. It is recommended to begin your search with the B.C. Provincial Collection Index.
B.C. Provincial Collection Index
This document contains the index to the B.C. Provincial Collection of Minutes of Decision, Correspondence and Sketches. This index is sorted alphabetically and chronologically by the Band/Tribe name. Band names are as found in the collection. The Reserve name is the current name unless the reserve was not confirmed or was altered. Only reserves allotted between 1875 and 1908 are found within this index. Footnotes in the index will often detail name changes to reserves. The entire index is full text searchable using the search box at the top of the PDF viewer. Once you have located a document by consulting the index, be sure to note the binder number, correspondence number (corr. no.) and page number.
In addition, each volume has its own index which is full text searchable. However, the minutes of decision and other documents are not searchable since they are often handwritten and/or contain images. In order to access the collection documents, it is recommended that you consult the index to locate the appropriate page number first.
The page numbers have been renumbered to correspond to the citations in the indexes. We have tried to preserve all numbers of the originals as they are cited in the indexes and have improvised when needed in the interest of clarity. Once the PDF viewer has loaded, you will be able to type the desired page number into the page number box to jump right to the page. The following describes, with examples, the numbering scheme and syntax for page numbers in the document.
All index pages have been renumbered with the prefix INDEX.
Example: INDEX-21
Table of contents pages have been renumbered with the prefix CONTENTS.
Example: CONTENTS-11
Correspondence numbers (Corr. No.) are used as prefixes with arabic page numbers for sections of documents.
Example: A citation in the index that looks like 591/80 [p. 111] will be 591/80-111 in the page numbering.
In cases where there is a Corr. No. but no page numbers, roman numeral page numbers have been assigned.
Example: A citation in the index that looks like 793/78 (there are 8 pages associated with this corr. no.) will have the page numbers 793/78-i, 793/78-ii, etc.
Citations that use alphabetical suffixes are retained in the page numbering scheme.
Example: A citation such as 109/82 (p. 7a) will be 109/82-7a in the page numbering.
Pages that are not mentioned in the index and that are not numbered are named by band and numbered with arabic numbers accordingly.
Example: OKANAGAN-5
Appendices to sections are retained in the numbering with roman numeral page numbers.
Example: The citation 1769/78 [App. A] will be 1769/78-APPA-i, 1769/78-APPA-ii, etc.
Federal Collection
This collection consists of 22 volumes which contain minutes of decision, correspondence, memorandums, and maps. The contents of these binders are indexed in the Federal Collection Index. It is recommended to begin your search with the Federal Collection Index.
Federal Collection Index
This document contains the comprehensive and individual indexes of the Federal and Provincial collections of Minutes of Decision, Correspondence and Sketches. This index is sorted alphabetically and chronologically by the Band/Tribe name. Reserve names are the current names unless the reserve was not confirmed or was altered. Only reserves allotted between 1875 and 1908 are found in this index. Footnotes in the index will often detail name changes to reserves. The entire index is full text searchable using the search box at the top of the PDF viewer. Once you have located a document by consulting the index, be sure to note the volume number and the page number.
In addition, each volume has its own index which is full text searchable. However, the minutes of decision and other documents are not searchable since they are often handwritten and/or contain images. In order to access the collection documents, it is recommended that you consult the index to locate the appropriate page number first.
The page numbers have been renumbered to correspond to the citations in the indexes. We have tried to preserve all numbers of the originals as they are cited in the indexes and have improvised when needed in the interest of clarity. Once the PDF viewer has loaded, you will be able to type the desired page number into the page number box to jump right to the page. The following describes, with examples, the numbering scheme and syntax for page numbers in the document.
All index pages have been renumbered with the prefix INDEX.
Example: INDEX-21
In cases where there is a secondary index, the prefix INDEX is used with roman numberal page numbers.
Example: INDEX-iv
All volumes have inserts that are not part of the original document. These inserts contain additional information about marginal notations, missing pages, etc. and have the prefix INSERT with a roman numeral page number.
Example: INSERT-iii
Citations that include alphabetical suffixes have been retained.
Example: A citation that looks like 116a-h will be 116a, 116b, 116c, etc.
Some volumes that contain sub-volumes. Each sub-volume contains its own index as well.
Example: Volume 4 contains 13 sub-volumes so Page 14 in Volume 4/1 will be (4/1)-14 or, Page 5 in Volume 4/12 will be (4/12)-5.
Some volumes contain a third copy. These are not mentioned in the indexes and are numbered with the prefix THIRD COPY and in the order they appear.
Example: THIRD COPY-29
Due to the size of the documents, binders/volumes may take some time to load. Please be patient while the files download. In the meantime, you should be able to run searches using the search box as well as jump straight to desired pages by typing in the page number according to specified instructions for each binder/volume in the page number box.