Binder 09
- Title
- Binder 09
- Description
- This binder continues with O'Reilly's work. Interestingly, there are some minor differences between the Minutes of decision found in the provincial and federal collections. Notably, O'Reilly's allotment of Kish-neelt 25 allotted to Metlakatla and Port Simpson [Corr. No. 2332/88] is not included in the federal collection. O'Reilly ultimately rescinded this allotment as he became convinced that the Indians did not have a valid claim to the land. Although the correspondence related to this appears in the provincial collection, there does not appear to be any reference to this land in the federal collection. On the other hand, O'Reilly's allotments of Lower Shawniken 4A and Spatsum 11A for the Cook's Ferry Indians do not appear in the provincial collection with the Cook's Ferry allotments [Corr. No. 3198/89].
- Creator
- Peter O'Reilly | Joint Reserve Commission
- Date
- January 1888 - December 1889
- pages
- 247 pgs
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