Binder 02
- Title
- Binder 02
- Description
- The second binder of material consists almost entirely of Sproat correspondence. The exception to this is the Minutes of decision found at the beginning of the volume which are the work of the Joint Indian Reserve Commission. The JIRC was disbanded at the end of the 1877 season, however, the work they had done to that date was submitted by Sproat to the federal and provincial governments. Curiously, the covering letter for the Minutes of decision for the JIRC found in this volume is not signed; it may be incomplete. It is likely that both Sproat and McKinlay would have signed the covering letter as this appears to have been the practice with respect to the JIRC submitting correspondence to the province [Corr. Nos. 1084/78, 1081/78],
- Creator
- Joint Reserve Commission | Gilbert M Sproat
- Date
- May 1878 to December 1878
- pages
- 247 pgs
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