About this collection
The First Nations Digital Document Source (FNDDS) is a collection of electronic documents used primarily for research in land claims and First Nations issues. Documents include court decisions, legislation, treaties, claims policies, privy council orders, research guides, and instructional resources related to land claims and Aboriginal title, particularly in the Canadian context. The FNDDS is owned collectively by the Claims Research Units (CRU) research directors and is currently being maintained by the staff of the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs (UBCIC).
Transcriptions of select documents commonly-cited in legal specific claims submissions in BC is now available on this site. Documents were transcribed according to our Transcription Guidelines. Click here to view all available transcriptions. To locate the original document, simply conduct a title search.
Further Resources
Specific Claims Law
UBCIC Specific Claims Research Course
Our Homes Are Bleeding
Federal and Provincial Collections of Minutes of Decision, Correspondence, and Sketches
UBCIC Digital Collections
ArchiviaNet: Treaties, Surrenders and Agreements
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC): Acts, Agreements and Land Claims
Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII)
Department of Justice: Consolidated Statutes and Regulations
Library of Parliament: Research Publications