"The Russell Tribunal is an international forum for presentation or evidence to reveal breaches by national governments of the rights which Indigenous people are entitled under international law. The Russell Tribunal held this year in Rotterdam, Netherlands, was the fourth in its history. There was a panel of twelve jurists who came from different countries to hear evidence from both Indian and expert witnesses for Indigenous peoples from North, Central and South America.Our main goal in making a presentation before the Russell Tribunal was to focus world attention on our fight in Canada to have our rights protected in any new structuring of the Canadian constitution.As Indian Nations we have a right to self-determination and sovereignty as recognized under International law.In our presentation before the Russell Tribunal, the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs' legal brief dealt with the legal and political rights of the Indian nations. This is a different approach from going before an international body to seek declarations in the Human Rights area. If we reach a Human Rights decision then we are submitting ourselves to the country which says it controls us. We have distinct legal and political rights which can be pursued Internationally, without first submitting ourselves to the Canadian law" (Constitution Bulletin 1980)